Fundings in Saxony

Name of programme:

SAB Sachsenkredit Energy and Storage

Type of funding:

Repayment grants of up to 20 % of the eligible expenditure

What is subsidised?

Funding for systems for the production of energy from renewable sources and storage facilities

  • Construction or expansion of photovoltaic systems
  • Installation, replacement or expansion of decentralised storage systems
  • Installation of electrically powered geothermal heat pumps
  • Installation or expansion of heat/cold storage systems in new buildings that are powered by renewable energies

The following are not eligible for funding:

  • Projects of photovoltaic systems that have already received or will receive funding on the basis of the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG)
  • Projects of photovoltaic systems on land in agricultural use that is used or has previously been used as arable land or grassland
  • Self-built systems, systems from prototypes, used systems and systems with system components acquired in a substantially used state
  • Investments in the construction or extension of structural facilities in flood protection areas, insofar as these are subject to authorisation in accordance with Section 78d (4) of the Federal Water Act and have not been approved by the competent water authority
  • Investments in the construction or extension of buildings within designated or provisionally secured floodplains in accordance with Section 76 of the Federal Water Act

Who is subsidised?

  • Natural persons and homeowners' associations
  • Companies (incl. agriculture and forestry)
  • Freelancers
  • Municipalities, municipal special-purpose associations and legally dependent municipal enterprises
  • Corporations and institutions under public law
  • Other legal entities under private law

Funding conditions:

  • The location of the measure or investment must be in the Free State of Saxony.
  • The SAB must grant an investment loan at least for and in the amount of the eligible expenditure.
  • No funding under the SMEKUL Energy and Climate Funding Guideline/2023 or under the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) may have been granted or be granted in the future.
  • Cumulation with other state aid is permitted, provided that the aid amount is not exceeded.
  • The project may only be started after the application for funding has been received by the SAB or the applicant's bank if the expenditure is less than EUR 100 thousand.
  • For expenditure of EUR 100,000 or more, work may only commence after approval has been granted by the SAB or the applicant's bank.
  • The conclusion of a contract that is attributable to the project is deemed to be the start of the project. The conclusion of project-related contracts will result in the application being rejected.

Technical requirements:

  • For photovoltaic systems, the technical requirements according to §§9, 10, 10a and 10b of the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) must be met.
  • For electricity storage systems coupled with a photovoltaic system of at least 30 kWp, the same technical requirements apply as for photovoltaic systems. The photovoltaic system must have been installed or expanded to at least 30 kWp after 1 January 2023.
  • Geothermal heat pumps up to and including 100 kWth must be exclusively geothermal heat pumps and are eligible from 3 residential units. The heat pump must be on the list of the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) and hydraulic balancing is required.
  • For geothermal heat pumps over 100 kWth, only geothermal heat pumps including cascading are subsidised. An annual performance factor of at least 3.8 is required, as is the installation of an automatic remote reading and storage of the measured values.
  • Heat/cold storage tanks in new buildings must be used to heat or cool one or more buildings. The minimum storage volume is 10 m³ water equivalent, the minimum storage capacity is 500 kWh and the thermal losses must be less than 15 watts per square metre of tank surface. Funding is available for 3 or more residential units.Höhe des Darlehens:

Amount of funding:

  • at least EUR 35,000
  • maximum EUR 5,000,000
  • maximum loan amount utilised per final borrower no more than once per calendar year
  • 100% disbursement within 12 months of approval in a maximum of three instalments

Duration of the programme:

Applications can be submitted immediately.

Further information

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