Fundings in Nordrhein-Westfalen

Name of programme:

Promotion of photovoltaic roof systems on municipal buildings together with a battery storage system

Funding objective/purpose:

Local authorities are to be encouraged to expand renewable energies and thus make an important contribution to climate protection. The state funding of up to 60 million euros over the next four years will support the installation of photovoltaic systems on the roofs of local authorities in the Rhineland region and will also provide an important impetus for the Gigawattpakt .

What does it fund?

Funding is available for PV roof systems and PV systems with battery storage on municipal buildings to generate electricity for self-consumption.
Battery storage systems alone are not eligible for funding.

Who does it fund?

  • Cities, municipalities and districts as well as their associations and special-purpose associations in the Rhenish mining area are eligible to apply.

Funding conditions, funding amount:

  • Maximum 95 per cent of eligible expenditure

  • Maximum funding limit 350,000 euros

Funding conditions:

  • Self-consumption rate must be at least 80 per cent.
  • The battery storage system may have a maximum capacity that is twice as large as the nominal output of the connected photovoltaic system.

Duration of programme:

4 years until 2028

Further information

Name of programme:

Promotion of planning services for photovoltaic expansion

Funding objective/purpose:

Local authorities are to be encouraged to expand renewable energies and thus make an important contribution to climate protection. The state funding of up to 60 million euros over the next four years will support the installation of photovoltaic systems on the roofs of local authorities in the Rhineland region and also provide an important impetus for the Gigawattpakt .

What is being subsidised?

Planning projects to prepare investment measures for the construction or expansion of photovoltaic systems.

Who does it fund?

  • Cities, municipalities and districts as well as their associations and special-purpose associations in the Rhenish mining area are eligible to apply.

Funding conditions, funding amount:

  • The regular funding rate is up to 95 per cent of eligible expenditure
  • The maximum funding limit is 35,000 euros

Duration of programme:

4 years until 2028

Further informations

Name of programme:

Promotion of non-publicly accessible fast-charging infrastructure for commercially used vehicles

What does it fund?

  • the acquisition and construction of stationary fast-charging infrastructure (controllable, brand-new, not publicly accessible)
  • with one or more charging points for commercial vehicles ≥ 50 kilowatts per charging point
  • If applicable, in conjunction with a grid connection (separate application required)
Eligible expenses are those for:
  • Charging point or wallbox, attached cable, power electronics, authentication and payment systems.
  • Load management for multiple charging points
  • Energy management systems
  • Civil engineering, foundations, surface restoration
  • Installation and commissioning
  • Grid connection (separate application may be required; only possible in conjunction with charging infrastructure)
  • Upgrading of an existing grid connection (separate application may be required; only possible in conjunction with charging infrastructure)

Who does it fund?

  • Natural persons as self-employed persons
  • Sole proprietorships
  • Partnerships
  • Legal entities under private and public law

Funding conditions, amount of funding:

  • Funding is provided as a share of the financing.
  • A maximum of 40 percent of the eligible expenditure up to 15,000 euros per charging point.

Grants below a de minimis threshold of 500 euros will not be approved or paid out.

Prerequisites for funding:

  • The charging capacity per charging point must be at least 50 kilowatts.
  • The subsidised charging infrastructure and the subsidised grid connection may only be used for vehicles that are owned by or registered to the grant recipient and are used commercially.
  • The electricity required for the charging process must come from renewable energy sources (green electricity supply contract) or at least partly from renewable electricity generated on site (e.g. photovoltaic system) or the electricity generation system must have a minimum rated output.
  • The installation and construction of the charging infrastructure must be carried out by a specialist contractor in compliance with the Charging Column Ordinance.

Duration of programme:

Applications for funding can currently be submitted within the scope of available budget funds; the guideline will expire with effect from 31 December 2025.

Further information: Bezirksregierung Arnsberg

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